Finishing Touches For Your Bathroom

You've put up the last tile and done all the painting that needs to be done. Your bathroom is really starting to resemble that vision you had in your head several weeks ago. The tiles have set. The paint has dried. Your job is done. Or is it? To really finish that bathroom project that has consumed so much of your time lately you'll need to add some final and personal touches to it. Compare your own bathroom to the type which you remember being in your parents or grandparents houses - yours probably seems like a luxury spa compared to that old toilet from your childhood memories.


The good news is that you won't need to give your bank manager chest pains (then again do bank managers actually have hearts?) to add these final touches to your bathroom. You can add most of the following ideas for very little extra on top of your current budget. Try some of the following ideas to give your bathroom it's own unique identity:

Source and buy some antique bowls of various sizes and fill them with scented soaps or perhaps even bathsalts.

Cover an entire upper wall on one side of the room with mirrors.

Add some wicker furniture to the room - a wicker laundry basket always looks well.

Add freshly cut flowers to some vases or dishes in the room.

Throw out your old bathmats and towels and buy new ones which complement your new color scheme.

And don't forget the all essential bathroom lighting.

These final touches will say a lot to your visitors and guests about you, your personal taste and your own unique style. Try to avoid tacky putting tacky items in your bathrom. Your bathroom says a lot about you - just make sure it says the right things.