Make Liquid Soap

Many people prefer liquid soap in the bathroom because they like the soap's low pH level and that it can be put in a dispenser to reduce the spread and exchange of germs. The problem with liquid soap is that most brands contain alcohol and other chemicals that can dry the skin, even if the soap is advertised as being a moisturizer as well.

The only two solutions to this are to buy organic soap from a specialty shop or make liquid soap yourself. Making the soap yourself will require some time, but it's not as difficult as you might initially think. The downside is that you will need a few ingredients you might not normally have around the house so a special trip might be required to get these ingredients. The upside is that making your own liquid soap is more cost effective than buying numerous small bottles of organic soap from a specialty store.

The Warnings

Safety is a priority when making soap. Liquid soap that's cooking is sticky and can be caustic at the beginning of the cooking process. Avoid contact with skin. If the cooking liquid soap does come in contact with your skin, immediately douse it with vinegar and rinse with cool water. Repeat as necessary.

Use only stainless steel pots if your soap recipe contains potassium hydroxide, a chemical compound that destroys bacteria. Aluminum will eventually corrode.

The Equipment

You'll need a double boiler to cook the soap and the inner boiler needs to be stainless steel. You'll also need a five gallon bucket with a pour spout, old blankets or towels, plastic spoon, funnels, liquid measuring cups, a stick blender with stainless steel blade, stainless steel or plastic bowls to weigh oils and lye, a kitchen weigh scale, goggles and a sieve or cheesecloth.

The Soap Creation Process

Use the stick blender to thoroughly mix 40 ounces of distilled water with 5.5 ounces of potassium hydroxide. Place the mixture on the stove and heat it up until near boiling. In another stainless steel pot, combine 16 ounces of olive oil with 7 ounces of coconut oil. Then slowly mix in 10 ounces of water with 2 ounces of boric acid. Bring this mixture to a boil. Add the oil mixture to the potassium mixture and allow it to simmer. Stir the solution repeatedly until the mixture thickens.

If you want your soap to have color or fragrance, this is where you add oil (like 3 ounces rosemary or lavender oil) and make sure it's well mixed through the solution. You can use the plastic spoon for this. Remove the mixture from the stove. As the solution cools, make sure you stir it once every hour for four or five hours. Allow the soap to settle at room temperature for two days so it gets thick and creamy. Once properly settled, add the soap to an attractive liquid soap dispenser and place in your bathroom.

Fast, Natural Liquid Soap

If you or someone in your family has such sensitive skin that they'll react to the potassium hydroxide in the previous soap recipe, you can easily create a more natural type of soap. It won't have the same antibacterial properties but it will still get your skin clean when used with warm or hot water. All you need is a blender, a few ingredients and a liquid soap dispenser.

The ingredients you need are: ¼ cup water, ¼ cup olive oil, ¼ cup liquid honey, 1 tbsp of olive oil based soap like Castile soap.

Put the water, olive oil, honey and Castile soap into the blend and mix until the solution turns foamy and creamy. The soap is now ready to use. All you need to do is pour it into the liquid soap dispenser,